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how to install and activate LXQt

Started by nixfirst, October 11, 2014, 10:35:12 AM

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I currently using SparkyLinux Xfce x64. :)


Add siduction lxqt repository:
Nothing is easy as it looks. Danielle Steel


I added the repository and installed the LXQt and did logout and login but I don't understand where is LXQt? How do I change to new LXQt?
Success gives birth to success? Failure gives birth to failure? - Sagar Gorijala.


The installation process as you described http://sparkylinux.org/forum/index.php?topic=2667 hasn't been finished due to missed packages so it has not been installed. That's why you can't launch it.
Nothing is easy as it looks. Danielle Steel


Never mind this bug, I just installed Sparkylinux JWM 32-bit. Thanks.
Success gives birth to success? Failure gives birth to failure? - Sagar Gorijala.

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