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How to set preferred applications

Started by jeffneedle, October 11, 2014, 08:04:50 AM

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Using Sparky V. 2 Razor-qt.  Very nice!

I can't find a way to set my preferred, or default, applications.  Chromium cannot set itself as default, for some reason.  Can someone please point me to where I can set these?



Menu-> Preferences-> Razor-qt settings-> Razor Session Configuration-> Default Applications-> Web browser-> Search-> /usr/bin/chromium
Nothing is easy as it looks. Danielle Steel


Hello Everyone,

I am new to Sparky Linux and am using the Open Box edition, 32 bit. I would like to replace Ice weasel with Firefox in the menu when you select "Web browser". I know they are basically the same, but I followed a tutorial on maintaining Firefox, outside of package management. I created the script and made it executable and it works. Now I would like to configure my system to open my version of Firefox. I have tried changing a few things, but need someone to assist in pulling this all together. Thanks in advance for your help.


Edit in a text editor the file:
and change what you need, then restart openbox.
Nothing is easy as it looks. Danielle Steel

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