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[solved] Don't update libglib2.0-* right now!

Started by py-thon, October 03, 2014, 08:57:25 PM

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For details see and bug reports #758619, 762612 and 763602 for example.
This bug affects various programs (reportbug, mirage, pyrenamer, xpdf and others) which won't start any more if you update to current testing version 2.42.0-1  If you are already affected downgrade as mentioned in the link, it worked for me. Last working version seems to be 2.41.1-2
Tower and Notebook: Sparky (testing) 64bit MATE


Thank's for the info.
I am almost ready with an update of sparky 3.5.1 e19 (final) but the installer can't starts.
I didn't detect what package (last upgrade problem) broken that but I will have a look into that.
Nothing is easy as it looks. Danielle Steel
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Just I'd like to confirm that the 'libglib2.0-2.42.x' makes me and the installer sick :(
Nothing is easy as it looks. Danielle Steel
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The problem is deeper that I was expected.
I installed the last version of sparky 3.5 base, didn't upgrade the libglib2.0 so I could run the installer but it doesn't work well.
Still searching...
Nothing is easy as it looks. Danielle Steel
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gtk2- and gtk3-packages have been changed to tolerate faulty programming.

gtk3 is already in testing (gir1.2-gtk-3.0 and other packages in version 3.14.1-1, the changelog doesn't give a clue, but according to the link to forums.linuxmint above it is fixed in 3.14)

gtk2 is currently in sid (gir1.2-gtk-2.0 and other packages in version 2.24.25-1, fixed according to changelog)
Tower and Notebook: Sparky (testing) 64bit MATE


Thank's for the info, I will upgrade it to test, specially gtk2 from sid.
I had to downgrade a few packages in sparky 3.5.1 e19 - even the installer didn't want to work.
Nothing is easy as it looks. Danielle Steel
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I reinstalled Sparkylinux, this time it's JWM flavour. Last time I had all DEs on LxDE base... All upgrades. I even installed E19 package. So my question is...

If E19 is buggy and installing LxDE and then going to E19 is okay...

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Success gives birth to success? Failure gives birth to failure? - Sagar Gorijala.


QuoteWhy don't we break the rules?
I don't get it,  what do you mean?
Nothing is easy as it looks. Danielle Steel
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The fixed versions of gtk2 have entered testing. It should be safe to upgrade now.
Tower and Notebook: Sparky (testing) 64bit MATE

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