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Hi all

Started by carlo, October 12, 2014, 09:55:55 PM

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I'm so unpolite...
been using this forum for ages (read: it was all polish) but never introduced myself..

hi all
i'm carlo, from italy
i'm not good at linux, but i'm very good at meeting issues :P
i was sort of beta tester for atlasx, but alas that project closed after some months of life...
After a period with PCLOS i had to leave it cause it just refused to read some folders under windows disks....
So i've found my way to sparky...

Nowadays i'm using linux in office, a brr mint-ubuntu machine (sometimes it does drive me mad..), i can't recall why i couldn't choose a debian
and i'm using sparky at home, along with windows (but i keep each system on its own disk)
i think i've tried all of sparky flavours: so far i'm using XFCE with KDE.. next time i'lll format it'll be with enlightenment...

for the sparky team: great work!
thanks to you i've discovered megasync, for example



Hi Carlo
Nice to see you here.
Nothing is easy as it looks. Danielle Steel


Dear Friend, Carlo Sparkylinux is the best linux distro.
Success gives birth to success? Failure gives birth to failure? - Sagar Gorijala.


Quote from: way12go on October 13, 2014, 06:52:06 PM
Dear Friend, Carlo Sparkylinux is the best linux distro.

i agree.. it behaves like a puppy (well puppy linux tends to misbehave..)..
it would be perfect with kde, cinnamon and lxqt
and if linux didn't argue with printers, wifi, old video cards, videogames, etc it'd be perfectest ;)

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