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libudev1 / udev - Post Installation Upgrade?

Started by cusco-travel-services, September 22, 2014, 06:22:10 PM

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Hi All,

Are there Upgrades to be performed after the initial installation of SparkyLinux 3.5 LXDE?

If so, are the libudev1 and udev packages upgraded to later versions which could cause some USB Mobile Broadband Modems (e.g. Huawei E3131) to not be properly detected?

Thanks, Michael.


The system upgrade you can do after installation via Synaptic or Sparky APTus.
All the applications will be upgraded to the newest version available in Debian testing repository.
Nothing is easy as it looks. Danielle Steel


Good morning Pavroo,

Upgrading from 204-8~bpo70+1 to 204-14~bpo70+1 can break things.


Hasta pronto, Michael.


Are you upgrading using backports repos?
I set repository for Debian testing, not Wheezy or Jessie and I don't use backports.
Just testing.
If the package can break something just block it and don't upgrade:
sudo echo <package-name> hold|dpkg --set-selections
Nothing is easy as it looks. Danielle Steel

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