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Sparky 3.5

Started by pavroo, July 25, 2014, 11:51:55 PM

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I'd like to add some explanations for that.
I did not change the default theme and the icon set yet, because:
- not too many of you voted on the one wallpaper
- I couldn't make my mind to choose the one
- the icon set is really nice but it's too colored for me
- I think it's not reason to change it 2 times per year so I still keep the same layout.

Anyway, nothing happens without reason.
Liquidsky joined our small community so mayby we could choose something from his work :) 
Nothing is easy as it looks. Danielle Steel


Liked liquidsky's backgrounds, install background should be Sparky themed/labeled. After install, doesn't everyone change backgrounds - panels - icons to suit their own tastes? And then keep adjusting, just for fun?

Enjoying Sparky  :)

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