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Problems with SparkyLinux 3.4.1 Base (Openbox) x86_64

Started by The Black Pig, August 23, 2014, 12:00:57 PM

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The Black Pig

Started to get itchy feet BUT want to stick with Sparky, sooooooo I installed SparkyLinux 3.4.1 Base (Openbox) x86_64
Two immediate problems in Openbox - 
1) No logout ?
2) Cannot save monitor settings

Now I thought I would try RazorQT - Installed using Synaptic then added Cairo dock.
Two problems -
1)Cannot save monitor settings ?
2) How do I get rid of 'black box' around Cairo dock ?


Install " lxrandr  " from synaptic package manager for monitor settings. If it doesn't open run it from terminal. For blackbox just right click and the dock will reload and blackbox will go away.
Success gives birth to success? Failure gives birth to failure? - Sagar Gorijala.


There are solutions ready:
1. Logout:
apt-get update
apt-get install wm-logout

2. Monitor: http://sparkylinux.org/how-to-set-monitor-resolution/
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