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[Solved] mylivecd for PCLinuxOS --- Sparky Backup System for Sparkylinux

Started by way12go, July 29, 2014, 11:18:06 AM

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PCLinuxOS has a script called mylivecd, which allows the user to take a 'snapshot' of their current hard drive installation (all settings, applications, documents, etc.) and compress it into an ISO CD/DVD image. This allows easy backup of a user's data and also makes it easy to create your own custom live CD/DVD.

Is it possible for Sparkylinux to have such a script?
Success gives birth to success? Failure gives birth to failure? - Sagar Gorijala.


Try Sparky Backup System - 'sparky-backup-sys' package in our repo.
Nothing is easy as it looks. Danielle Steel


I've installed it. Thanks. Can this iso be installed on a different system with different configuration?
Success gives birth to success? Failure gives birth to failure? - Sagar Gorijala.


Of course.
It's a copy of your sparky installation so it has all drivers, tools, apps, etc. to run on another machine.
Nothing is easy as it looks. Danielle Steel


Quote from: way12go on July 29, 2014, 02:35:43 PM
I've installed it. Thanks. Can this iso be installed on a different system with different configuration?
If you're refering to a different hardware configuration, then you shouldn't have problems. The only place where you can expect problems are the proprietary graphic drivers if you use any.
There's no such thing as "impossible". :)


Success gives birth to success? Failure gives birth to failure? - Sagar Gorijala.


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