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Noob to Sparky and Debian

Started by blasphemist, July 03, 2014, 10:49:54 PM

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As I join everyone here I will introduce myself. I've been a Linux and OSS/FOSS/FLOSS since 2009. That's when the great recession got me but this is one good outcome from that, as was gaining an appreciation for simple elegance.

I've been a technology geek since the 80's and came up on M$ products. I did have some Unix and Xenix exposure though. I've been a distro slut long enough to have tried what seems like nearly all distro's. I have used both Sparky and other Debian flavors but never for my primary environment. I started with Ubuntu and gradually learned better.

These days I think I'm getting ready to not be so slutty. I kept the Win 8, now 8.1, that came on my lappy but only use it to reproduce issues others come to me with. My main distro has been Arch but I want to be well rounded. I want to know the package management and common tools for the Debian, Fedora and Arch families. So I have Sparky and Rawhide that I use as well. Rawhide is my sandbox more than the others but I'm not afraid to test in all of them.

I can already see there is much good and much to learn for me in the Debian realm. I'm looking forward to trying to help others here and I'm sure I'll need the same from this community. Thanks much for that in advance.
Colorado Rocky Mountains


Any help will be helpful, and I will help whatever I could.
Nothing is easy as it looks. Danielle Steel


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