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LXDE new install of Sparky: How to edit menu?

Started by K7AAY, June 21, 2014, 06:46:23 PM

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Is there a GUI tool, or shall I, un UXTerm, do:


sudo mv /etc/xdg/menus/razor-applications.menu /etc/xdg/menus/razor-applications.menu.bak
sudo cp /etc/xdg/menus/razor-applications.menu.bak /etc/xdg/menus/razor-applications.menu
sudo nano /etc/xdg/menus/razor-applications.menu

Thank you kindly.,


There is no GUI for that, so you should do that in a text console as you said.

But Sparky Razor-Qt Edition uses customized menu which is located in /opt/menu/razor-applications-sparky.menu
Nothing is easy as it looks. Danielle Steel


So, to update the Razor-Qt menu, launch a terminal emulator window, and then do these three commands:


sudo mv /opt/menu/razor-applications-sparky.menu /opt/menu/razor-applications-sparky.menu.bak

sudo cp /opt/menu/razor-applications-sparky.menu.bak /opt/menu/razor-applications-sparky.menu

sudo nano /opt/menu/razor-applications-sparky.menu

But you could use gedit or another text editor instead of nano


You can use any text editor which is installed in the system.
Nothing is easy as it looks. Danielle Steel


Quote from: K7AAY on June 21, 2014, 06:46:23 PM
Is there a GUI tool,


Thank you kindly.,


Take a look at LXMED if you are looking for a GUI menu editing tool.


QuoteAbout LXMenuEditor
LXDE is one of the most lightweight available enviroments. It has various components such as LXAppearance, LXPanel, LXSession, etc. which provide GUI for customizing it. However, no tool for customizing main menu was provided. Instead, you had to manually edit .desktop files located in /usr/share/applications or other folders to adjust your main menu the way you feel.

LXMenuEditor brings GUI for adjusting main menu without any knowledge about folder and file structure which stands beyond main menu. All this is kept under the hood and you can only concetrate on menu items you want to customize.

LXmed (code name for LXMenuEditor) is written in Java. This editor can also be used to customize GNOME's main menu and menus of other enviroments, altough it's specially designed for the LXDE environment.

You can visit our project page at sourceforge.


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