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Usb boot problem

Started by Linux_Newbi, May 28, 2014, 08:19:35 PM

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First, thank you Pavroo for help with the logon problem, hope you get that fixed soon. Second: work has just got new pcs, and whenever I try to boot from my usb or live install, all I get is a screen saying press f11 to enter recovery and a countdown timer, after which windows boots.(to be precise, f9 for boot menu, select usb, get f11 for recovery, then windows).

Is there something I need to do in bios to fix this? Or am I doing something wrong?

Thank you,




First thought: those PCs seem to ignore to the boot settings of the USB drive or the LiveCD. Most of the time it's because the PCs are EFI-based. If you're using prior to 3.3.2, which is not EFI based, then that's probably it. If you could give us the PC's model and manufacturer we might do some research about it.

For the time being there two thing you can try:

1. You could try using the Sparky's development version 3.3.2-test3 LiveCD, which has experimental EFI support: http://sparkylinux.org/sparkylinux-3-3-2-test3/" class="bbcode_url">http://sparkylinux.org/sparkylinux-3-3-2-test3/.

2. Look into your BIOS/EFI to make sure it's EFI-based (look for EFI/firmware version) and look for settings regarding legacy BIOS booting or as UEFI people call it officially: Compatibility Support Module (CSM).

The older versions of Sparky require the BIOS booting scheme to work. The dev 3.3.2 version is made so that it boots either in BIOS or EFI environments. Try to give it a shot. :)
There's no such thing as "impossible". :)


Ok, I'll do that. I'm running the last version of ultra, 3.2 I think if that helps. I'll try and get the pc make, but am on hols until next week now so it will take a wile.


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