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[SOLVED]Manually Configuring network for internet on Openbox

Started by dave1, April 28, 2014, 10:03:47 AM

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I have installed SparkyLinux 3.3.1 Base (Openbox) x86_64 yesterday. But it does not include NetworkManager applet. I want configure my network manually to access internet. This include ip address, netmask,gateway and dns server.

/etc/network/interfaces has following configuration


auto lo
iface lo inet loopback

allow-hotplug eth0
iface eth0 inet dhcp


Run Menu-> Config-> Network

It will start Ceni network manager.

After you will configure connection, install 'network-manager-gnome' package if you'd like.
Nothing is easy as it looks. Danielle Steel


I tried to configure, but something was wrong with DNS search, because I was able to ping but I was not able to ping google.com and I was not able load google.com ( or any other site ) in browser. I used open dns server 208.67.220,220, I don't know what went wrong. Then I downloaded SparkyLinux 3.3.1 Razor-Qt x86_64 and installed it. It is working fine so far. I installed it on two computers. I configured internet using NetworkManager all went okay so far. Since I am very new to Razor-Qt desktop so I will need some help. One thing, I would like to suggest is the installer does not allow to install without formating / (root) partition. I think you should give that option, because I have one old PC where my harddisk is not big enough. I keep some data file in one folder in root directory. So if I have to install it, I had to backup that data in another PC only then I could install. So this is just a suggestion. I install other distros without formating root partition.


Try Sparky 3.3.2-test2 Base instead of 3.3.1. It features Wicd not Ceni.

I can't enable the option to not format root partition.

You know how to manage that, but many people don't. If they install Sparky on a partition with other OS without formatting, it will make a big mess.
Nothing is easy as it looks. Danielle Steel

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