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3.3.2-test1 x64. synaptic link bad link under applications

Started by galen, April 08, 2014, 09:07:49 PM

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applications menu


Invalid desktop entry file: '/usr/share/applications/synaptic-kde.desktop'

XMPP: galen@jabber.at  Twitter: in limbo   [email]godfree2@mastodon.social[/email]
Secular Humanist, progressive, antifa, goodness without godness


synaptic-kde.desktop and synaptic.desktop are the default desktop files for Synaptic installation.

It's not a mistake.

Anyway, there is a small bug. If you can't run Synaptic from menu, add 'gksudo' to 'Exec' entry in synaptic.desktop file.
Nothing is easy as it looks. Danielle Steel


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