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2nd booting of Sparky results in critical failure with teamviewer startup

Started by randy22, March 29, 2014, 01:57:33 AM

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Hi guys. New to sparky and really liking it.

I had a big problem the other day. Pretty much lost my new installation it seems. I'll be brief.

1) Installed sparky to a PC.

2) First time I booted it up, it ran fine. Spent about 4 hours getting it setup and customized, the apps I want etc.

3) Reboot.  Sparky starts up, and does not get far until it crashes. The error message is really weird to me.  I took a pic will my cellphone so will just re type the error messages:

[ok] Starting network connection manager: NetworkManager

[info] PulseAudio started: Configured for per-user session.

[ok] Enabling power management....done

Starting teamviewerd...method return org.freedesktop.dbus  -> dest=:1.9 reply_serial-2


The row of periods continue until about 10 periods then it stops, and nothing happens.  Only key presses I found that does anything if I hit control-alt-delete which sends the TERM signal, where (I think) it drops to a terminal prompt.  From here I typed 'startx' to see if that would do anything but something starts then it crashes (I'm a Linux noob).

I thought this was a really odd error so wanted to see if anyone had any ideas.

In the few hours I had the system going I don't think I did anything too radical to the configuration. The most possibly dangerous for stability problem thing I did was resizing my swap drive partition. I also did not use teamviewer at all, so again, weird that it crashes seemingly with something to do with that.



I don't think the teamviewer crased the system but you can removed it in recovery mode:


apt-get remove teamviewer

It's important what happend next.

You should check log files:






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