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[Solved] Sparky backup system

Started by way12go, August 02, 2014, 04:49:52 AM

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GUI opens.
Try to backup and then this is the message I get

Quoteneed to be in the user directory....exiting
Success gives birth to success? Failure gives birth to failure? - Sagar Gorijala.


What sparky version you have? what desktop, 32 or 64 bit?
Nothing is easy as it looks. Danielle Steel


Latest sparkylinux 3.4 LxDE version 64 bit.
Success gives birth to success? Failure gives birth to failure? - Sagar Gorijala.


Download the tar package:
Unpack it and move the file to /usr/bin to override the old one.
Then try to run it from the menu.
If failed, run it it a terminal: gksu sparkybackup-gui
Let me know whatever happens.
Nothing is easy as it looks. Danielle Steel


It's working now. After the ISO is finished and tested I will let you know.

Thanks a lot.
Success gives birth to success? Failure gives birth to failure? - Sagar Gorijala.


The result is I have a 3 GB ISO and after burning it to USB pendrive I booted it live and it says... other and user name field and password field. I typed



didn't work.

On top left corner it shows as "live".

What is the

user name


Success gives birth to success? Failure gives birth to failure? - Sagar Gorijala.


It's "live", but it's a different problem.
If you did not clean up yet after making the iso, go to :
and check what is the size (in MB) of the skel folder.
If you cleaned up it already, make the iso again and check the size after.
Nothing is easy as it looks. Danielle Steel


Unfortunately there is no such folder.

Am I supposed to make the ISO again?

What do you mean I've to check folder size after making ISO? What has folder size to do with ISO. If such folder exists should I report its size? Is that what you meant?

/etc/skel is also absent. This system doesn't have any "skel" folder.
Success gives birth to success? Failure gives birth to failure? - Sagar Gorijala.


Success gives birth to success? Failure gives birth to failure? - Sagar Gorijala.


I did

Quotesudo bash

entered password

and then entered

Quotesudo sparkybackup backup sparkylinux.iso

Now I'm getting an ISO file larger than 4 GB, don't know the final size yet. It's very slow and 15% is completed and I will burn it to USB pendrive try to boot it and post the result.

root@s:/home/s# sudo sparkybackup backup sparkylinux.iso
System Backup Mode Selected
Checking if the /home/sparkybackup/sparkybackup folder has been created
Copying /var and /etc to temp area and excluding extra files
sed: can't read //home/lost+found/.config/Thunar/volmanrc: No such file or directory
cp: cannot stat '//home/lost+found/.config/volmanrc': No such file or directory
sed: can't read //home/pavroo1/.config/Thunar/volmanrc: No such file or directory
cp: cannot stat '//home/pavroo1/.config/volmanrc': No such file or directory
sed: can't read //home/s/.config/Thunar/volmanrc: No such file or directory
cp: cannot stat '//home/s/.config/volmanrc': No such file or directory
sed: can't read //home/sparkybackup/.config/Thunar/volmanrc: No such file or directory
cp: cannot stat '//home/sparkybackup/.config/volmanrc': No such file or directory
Setting up live options for backup mode
update-initramfs: Generating /boot/initrd.img-3.14-2-amd64
live-boot: core filesystems devices utils memdisk udev wget blockdev.
Copying your kernel and initrd for the livecd
Excluding folders from the backup that will cause issues
Creating filesystem.squashfs   ... this will take a while so be patient
Parallel mksquashfs: Using 2 processors
Creating 4.0 filesystem on /home/sparkybackup/sparkybackup/ISOTMP/live/filesystem.squashfs, block size 1048576
[=======================|                                  ] 171822/416769  41%^Csed: can't read //home/lost+found/.config/Thunar/volmanrc: No such file or directory
cp: cannot stat '//home/lost+found/.config/volmanrc': No such file or directory
sed: can't read //home/pavroo1/.config/Thunar/volmanrc: No such file or directory
cp: cannot stat '//home/pavroo1/.config/volmanrc': No such file or directory
sed: can't read //home/s/.config/Thunar/volmanrc: No such file or directory
cp: cannot stat '//home/s/.config/volmanrc': No such file or directory
sed: can't read //home/sparkybackup/.config/Thunar/volmanrc: No such file or directory
cp: cannot stat '//home/sparkybackup/.config/volmanrc': No such file or directory
find: `/etc/skel/': No such file or directory
ls: cannot access /home/sparkybackup/sparkybackup/ISOTMP/live/filesystem.squashfs: No such file or directory
/usr/bin/sparkybackup: line 644: [: : integer expression expected
The cd filesystem is missing.  Either there was a problem creating the compressed filesystem or you are trying to run sudo sparkybackup dist iso before sudo sparkybackup dist cdfs
root@s:/home/s# sudo sparkybackup clean

I canceled because the sparky backup folder size is more than 56 GB.
Removing the build directory now...
root@s:/home/s# sudo sparkybackup dist

Distribution Mode Selected
Checking if the /home/sparkybackup/sparkybackup folder has been created
Copying /var and /etc to temp area and excluding extra files
cp: cannot create regular file '/home/sparkybackup/sparkybackup/dummysys/etc/skel/Desktop/': No such file or directory
chmod: cannot access '/home/sparkybackup/sparkybackup/dummysys/etc/skel/Desktop/sparkybackup-installer.desktop': No such file or directory
Setting up live options for dist mode
update-initramfs: Generating /boot/initrd.img-3.14-2-amd64
live-boot: core filesystems devices utils memdisk udev wget blockdev.
Copying your kernel and initrd for the livecd
Creating filesystem.squashfs   ... this will take a while so be patient
Parallel mksquashfs: Using 2 processors
Creating 4.0 filesystem on /home/sparkybackup/sparkybackup/ISOTMP/live/filesystem.squashfs, block size 1048576.
[=====-                                                    ]  17818/198964   8%^[=====\                                                    ]  17819/198964   8%find: `/etc/skel/': No such file or directory
ls: cannot access /home/sparkybackup/sparkybackup/ISOTMP/live/filesystem.squashfs: No such file or directory
/usr/bin/sparkybackup: line 644: [: : integer expression expected
The cd filesystem is missing.  Either there was a problem creating the compressed filesystem or you are trying to run sudo sparkybackup dist iso before sudo sparkybackup dist cdfs

Success gives birth to success? Failure gives birth to failure? - Sagar Gorijala.


Should I try this solution?
Clear and then go root and backup ISO?

Don't, it was a different problem, solved already.

Make the backup manually.
1. Create skel/Desktop dir if it does not exist in your system:
sudo mkdir /etc/skel/Desktop
2. Clean up:
sudo sparkybackup clean
3. Clean the deb packages via package manager as well:
sudo apt-get autoremove
sudo apt-get clean

4. Make the iso:
sudo sparkybackup dist
If you will get the message:
QuoteThe compressed file system is larger than the iso9660 specification allows for a single file. You must try to reduce the amount of data you are backing up and try again.
you have to reduce number of your packages, means uninstall something because you have too many applications installed and the iso image will be bigger then the limit 3.99999 MB.
So the iso can't be done !

I canceled because the sparky backup folder size is more than 56 GB.
Everytime you'd like to make a fresh backup iso clean up the working directory via GUI-> Clean option or the command as above.
If you will not do that, every next backup will be failed.

Anyway give me results of the commands, please (as regular user, not a root):
ls -l /home
I am still trying to detect the problem with GUI.
Nothing is easy as it looks. Danielle Steel


s@s:~$ whoami
s@s:~$ ls -l /home
total 28
drwx------  2 root root 16384 Jul 16 09:17 lost+found
drwxr-xr-x  2 root root  4096 Jul 21 19:03 pavroo1
drwxr-xr-x 48 s    s     4096 Aug  8 04:46 s
drwxr-xr-x  3 root root  4096 Aug  8 04:47 sparkybackup
Success gives birth to success? Failure gives birth to failure? - Sagar Gorijala.


The ISO is 3 GB and is working and boots to Debian desktop instead of sparkylinux desktop and doesn't have Age Of Empires. Never mind. I will stick with this one. Thanks.
Success gives birth to success? Failure gives birth to failure? - Sagar Gorijala.


Your user name is just "s".
Mayby this is the problem.
I suggest to create the user name having more than 2 letters next time.
Quotedoesn't have Age Of Empires
No, it doesn't.
As I said before it does not copy your home directory stuff.
Age of Empires has been installed via Wine or PlayOnLinux so is located in your home folder.
Nothing is easy as it looks. Danielle Steel

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