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problems on the pc by Rookie, I need you, thanks

Started by nacho20u, February 28, 2014, 04:10:55 PM

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hello all :) I commented to install linux 3.2 sparky lxde last year and as I had a free partition decided to install puppy linux after the installation of gru4dos of puppy restart my computer and not pulled sparky linux :(can help me on this problem? I am very grateful that sparky was my main distro, it have all abstracts and books for exam at the University, exams begin on March 10 and end 17-day help please. Greetings from Argentina.  :D

Somewhat Reticent


Quote from nacho20u on February 28, 2014, 16:10... I had a free partition decided to install puppy linux after the installation of gru4dos of puppy ...

Did you install the GrUB4dOS bootloader to the PartitionBootRecord, or to the MasterBootRecord of the drive?


 MasterBootRecord of the drive It is what made friend and not is if I can solve it, the puppy linux if it works but the sparky something not, surely broke and I would like to know if there is a solution for this. from already thank you for your concern .


I am not sure how the Puppy installer works, but it looks like Puppy during Grub installation (on hard drive installation process) did not run os-prober to detect other operating systems.

I suggest to run Sparky Live, choose "run from the hard drive", then run Sparky.

If you login to Sparky hard drive installation, refresh package list (in Synaptic) and reinstall all packages with "grub" in the name.

Otherwise you can run SparkyLinux 3.2.1 Xfce Live and use "Boot repair" tool to fix it as well.  
Nothing is easy as it looks. Danielle Steel


try sparky xfce and tell you how I was thank you .

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