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Sparky Ultra-OpenBox - conflict w/ XFCE4-panel

Started by dhinds, December 18, 2013, 04:46:20 PM

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After beginning a live session of Sparky Ultra - OpenBox v. 3.2 on a small desktop computer yesterday (containing an Asus M5A 78L-M LX Plus mb and an AMD FX cpu w/ 4 Gb DDR3 RAM), I opened the  XFCE4-panel and noticed a conflict between that panel's lower instance and Sparky's animated favorites panel that opens there by default.

Can Sparky's animated favorites panel be turned off and on or removed?  (I find it difficult to use Openbox without a panel with an automatically updating menu, a lack which the XFCE4-panel easily fills).

Thanks in advance.  (I found nothing in the archives about this and it is an issue specific to Sparky Ultra - Openbox).


If you'd like to remove the default panel of Sparky's Openbox just run:


apt-get remove tint2
apt-get autoremove

Nothing is easy as it looks. Danielle Steel



Quote from pavroo on December 18, 2013, 19:55

If you'd like to remove the default panel of Sparky's Openbox just run:


apt-get remove tint2
apt-get autoremove

Thanks - but running xfce4-panel covers tint2.

The conflict is with Sparky's Favorites Panel located at the bottom of the screen (the one that jumps in response to a mouseover).  I think it's considered a dock. Can that be turned off and on (or uninstalled and installed) as well?

I am also downloading the E17 edition at the moment, which is one of Sparky's main flavors and expected to work well with Wayland.  I want to compare the performance and usability of all of them (and they all are working very well, so far).

Thanks in advance, pavroo.


Alright - the bottom one. It's Wbar.

To stop it:


killall -9 wbar &

To remove it:


apt-get remove wbar wbar-config

To removit it from openbox startup only - edit the file:



and put '#' in the front of the line:


(sleep 6s && wbar) &

or delete the line.

Is it what you need?
Nothing is easy as it looks. Danielle Steel


Yes, that was a very concise and complete reply.  Thanks a lot, pavroo.

I have another set of questions relating to Sparky 3.2 E17, which impressed me so much I installed it immediately on a desktop machine with less RAM but am now having trouble getting around in it.  (Open applications seem to disappear and I'm not sure yet whether they have crashed or are still open but hidden).

The panels of both Mate (the most complete, IMO), and xfce allow users to add menus that provide a means to see what is open and navigate within the system.  I probably need to take a look at an E17 tutorial.

One of the reasons I installed it is, like Openbox, E17 is also a window manager and the developers have stated their intention to produce a Wayland compatible version, which is an issue that Openbox must also deal with also, since it is an X11 window manager, and X11 is likely to be replaced by Wayland in the not too distant future.

If I don't resolve this after finding an E17 Tutorial I'll post another E17 specific thread.


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